Hollis - Katana Butt Plate
Hollis – Katana Butt Plate
Butt-plate with heavy duty rails

Butt-plate with heavy duty rails
Are you finding your no- decompression limits (NDLs) a limiting factor to dives? Do you have to ascend sooner than you would like? As sport divers, planned decompression is not something that we do or have been taught. The TDI Decompression Procedures Course prepares you for planned staged decompression diving. With a maximum operating depth of 45 metres/150 feet, this course is your first step beyond the normal sport diving limits. The TDI Decompression Procedures Course combined with the TDI Advanced Nitrox course form the foundation of all other technical courses. After these two courses and some additional experience, the stage has been set for you to move onto additional technical levels.
TDI eLearning ($200) not included.
The GUE Fundamentals course is by far GUE’s most popular program. It functions as a gateway into GUE training and it is an excellent way to personally experience what GUE is all about.
Some divers use the Fundamentals course as a way to improve on the less-than-optimal training they have received during traditional fast-track entry-level courses. Others see the course as a ticket to participate in GUE projects and activities. Many technical divers and even experienced instructors from other organizations use the course to improve basic skills and gain access to GUE’s cave and tech-training. It is not uncommon to have divers with very diverse backgrounds in the same class, which makes this course completely unique in the diving industry. Everybody will benefit, regardless of their current level of certification or experience. Graduating this course with a pass is something to be proud of, as the quality of a GUE Fundamentals diver is recognized all over the diving world.
Price shown does not include extra expenses. Contact us for more details.
xDeep Stealth 2.0 Rec Single or Dual/Redundant Bladder Sidemount System includes:
Stealth 2.0 TEC RB Dual Redundant Bladder BCD Full Set for Sidemount by xDeep includes:
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